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​Queenslander Exhibition 2017
The Photographic Society of Queensland travelling exhibition is a collection of 30 images from a single club that is available for other clubs to book for free for display in their club or region.
Emerald Photographic Club was chosen for the 2017 exhibition. To book the exhibition for your club or area, contact the PSQ Prints Exhibition organiser via the PSQ webpage:
York MinsterAnna Jane Gordon | Tassie DevilNicole Mittan | SeascapeSatit Putarakkit |
UntitledSandra Muir | UntitledWendy Powell | Riding ComfortablyCharles Loch |
Do not silence the childrenPam Bartlett-Munt | UntitledKen Gersbach | I n t e r l u d ePam Bartlett-Munt |
I Walk With YouMeghan Swift | Left for DeadAmy Flower | UntitledNeive Farley |
UntitledDean Bottrell | Locked UpAllanah Loch | UntitledKobus Barnardt |
Yellowstone MoonscapeKevin Stone | UntitledBarbara Beazley | Ground CoverMeghan Swift |
Bite MeGordon Gemmell | RememberanceSamantha Munt | Every Thought is A BattleBarbara Beazley |
FlyCharles Loch | Busy BeeAllanah Loch | UntitledAnita McKillop |
UntitledAnita McKillop | HebiSamantha Munt | Anaradhupura AdvocatePam Bartlett-Munt |
UntitledDean Bottrell |
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